Getting God's Message Getting God's Message Program Transcripts
Pastor Lud Golz
Pastor Lud Golz

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  Home | Transcript Archive | March | March 01, 2021

Monday, March 01, 2021

We’ve looked in resent visits at the life of James, the author of the book in the Bible that bears his name.  First we collected information about his life.  Then we correlated this information into an outline.  Now we need to crystallize what we’ve found into some practical applications. 

The first application I would make is that being exposed to Christ doesn’t make you a Christian.  James grew up in the same household as Jesus did.  He observed Christ’s earthly ministry for three years, but he was still not a Christian.  Only after Christ’s resurrection did he believe and become a follower of Jesus. 

Another application is: God uses your experiences and position in life for His purposes.  All that James had experienced put him in a unique position to become a leader in the church in Jerusalem. 

He was a man who practiced what he preached.  He was known as a just man.  His life was his best sermon.  When he did preach or write it came across with authenticity and authority.  You will experience the same if you practice what you preach or teach.  Like James, we should encourage others to be consistent Christians, and we’ll be more effective at this if we are consistent ourselves. 

One clear application based on his life and teaching is that prayer is very important in living and serving.  Tradition has it that James prayed on his knees so much he had calluses, and was called “Camel knees.” 

You might come up with more applications as you reflect on what the Bible says about this great man of God.  


Getting God's Message with Lud Golz, P.O. Box 167, Novelty, Ohio 44072

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