Getting God's Message Getting God's Message Program Transcripts
Pastor Lud Golz
Pastor Lud Golz

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  Home | Transcript Archive | January | January 15, 2021

Friday, January 15, 2021

In our last visit we began amplifying the first point in the outline of the book of Habakkuk.  The prophet had an authentic personal relationship with God as illustrated in the candid, honest, two way communication seen in the first two chapters. 

He began by complaining that God had not responded to his cry for help by disciplining the people of God.  God answered by implying: are you sure you understand what you are asking for? God declared: “Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told” (Habakkuk 1:5). 

At first glance the prophet might have concluded, “This sounds great.  God is going to do something unbelievably wonderful.”  He probably didn’t notice that God wanted him to look at the nations, plural.  God answered his cry by raising up the Babylonian empire that was sending their ruthless army to discipline His people.  Habakkuk had no doubt heard about the Babylonians, but they were beyond the horizon of his concern. 

God opened his eyes to understand the violent, evil nature of the Babylonian army.  The more details given, the more confused Habakkuk became.  At first he responded by declaring: “O Lord, are you not from everlasting?  My God, My Holy One, we will not die.”  He affirmed his faith in the God of Israel who rescued His people and preserved them in the past.  He believed He would do it again.  But how could this happen if God was sending godless Babylonians to attack His people? 

His relationship with God was being tested.



Getting God's Message with Lud Golz, P.O. Box 167, Novelty, Ohio 44072

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