Getting God's Message Getting God's Message Program Transcripts
Pastor Lud Golz
Pastor Lud Golz

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  Home | Transcript Archive | March | March 23, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

In our last visit we focused on the importance of memorizing the Word of God. There are many benefits that come from memorizing Scripture. 

For example, as I read verses 13 - 17 of Mark 12 I found I could remember the whole story by memorizing part of verse 17: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” The Pharisees and Herodians tried trapping Jesus. They started by saying He was a man of integrity who isn’t swayed by men but always teaches the truth no matter who’s in the audience. Then they asked him about paying taxes to Caesar. 
Jesus knew their hypocrisy. Getting a denarius from them he asked whose portrait is on it, and whose inscription? When they said, “Caesar’s,” he said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” The coin was Caesar’s, so give it to him. But you were created by God, in His image. You are one who bears the image of God, so you belong to Him. Give yourself to Him. That’s not what the Pharisees and Herodians wanted to hear. Nor do most of us. They tried trapping Jesus and were trapped by Jesus themselves. 
Memorize this verse and review it often as a reminder that you belong to God. He created you for his purpose. Give yourself to Him and ask him to fulfill his purpose through you. By memorizing this verse you will be able to remember the context in which it is found, and hopefully, the application Jesus wants you to make based on this truth. It is also good to remember the place where the incident is recorded in the Bible.

Getting God's Message with Lud Golz, P.O. Box 167, Novelty, Ohio 44072

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