Getting God's Message Getting God's Message Program Transcripts
Pastor Lud Golz
Pastor Lud Golz

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  Home | Transcript Archive | October | October 10, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

In our last visit I shared how Jesus words in John 9:4 broke down into three points: opportunity everywhere, opportunity ebbing, and opportunity ended. I explained how I shared this simple outline with some High School kids at WheatonAcademy 

These three points can be applied to many situations we might find ourselves in. For example, as followers of Jesus we are called to be His witnesses. Far too often we put off taking that first step of opening the conversation about our relationship with Jesus. It is true, we need to be careful not to just barge into the subject without building something of a relationship with the one we want to reach. But it’s easy to rationalize and put off that first important step. 
If we keep doing this the opportunity to share will start ebbing away. We might be building a good friendship, only to fear injuring the friendship by taking that important step of introducing the subject to them. If we keep putting it off, someday the opportunity will tragically have ended. I believe God opens opportunities for us if we are prepared to make the most of them. 
Let me suggest a few things each of us can do to see opportunities God is opening for us to buy up. It would be a good practice to pray regularly for God to prepare us by His Holy Spirit to sense opportunities that come our way. Then we should study the Bible and literature that is designed to learn a simple presentation of the Gospel and some answers to common questions. If we do these then we should look for opportunities and try responding to them. Even if we’re not too confident God promises to bless such efforts.

Getting God's Message with Lud Golz, P.O. Box 167, Novelty, Ohio 44072

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